Online Forms
Request for Private Letter/Form Completion
Complete this form if you wish to request a private letter regarding your medication condition or require completion of a private form or a medical.
There is a significant fee payable for these types of letters/forms etc, ranging from £50 to £250 depending on the amount of work and time involved.
A member of our Admin team will let you know the cost and payment must be arranged in advance.
The turnaround time for all such requests is 28 days from the date of payment.. You should not expect these items to be completed in short timeframes.
LARC Referral Form
If you wish to access a coil or other form of long acting contraception, use the referral form below. Complete the form and send it to Woodlands Medical Centre, who will then contact you to arrange an appointment.
Newly Pregnant
Just found out that you are pregnant? - Congratulations.
In order to access care from your midwife, you will need to register with the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Maternity Service.
Click on the link below to access all the information you need along with the electronic maternity booking form.
Make an Appointment
If you wish to make an appointment with a GP or Nurse, please complete and submit the above form. A member of our team will contact you within 2 working days to arrange this. PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS FORM FOR URGENT MEDICAL PROBLEMS.
We can only offer appointments to patients who are registered with us. We do not offer private GP appointments.
Cancel Your Appointment
Click on the link above to advise us that you wish to cancel an appointment. Please do not use this form if the appointment you wish to cancel is within the next 24 hours. If this is the case please call us on 02920 390722 to let us know you wish to cancel.